License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | DOI: CrossRef | Peer-review Process: Double-blind
Frequency: 3 issues/year (Apr, Aug, Dec) | Call for Paper: Volume 1 | Issue 1
Duration of Review Process: 14 days | Average Article Processing Time: 28 days
Publication Format: Online | Language: English | Type: International Open-access
Publisher: Displaycia | Email: [email protected]
Main Subject: Philosophy | Category: Multi-disciplinary Journal
Article types: Full papers, Reviews, Communications, Comments, Perspectives, Highlights
Prior to submitting your manuscript, it is essential to thoroughly read and follow these guidelines. Doing so will help ensure a prompt and effective publication of your manuscript. The Journal of Energy, Agriculture, and Environmental Science (JEAES) accepts submissions only written in English. This journal publishes content solely in English. When submitting manuscripts for consideration for publication in this journal, please ensure that you provide an original editable file in one of the following formats: (.doc, .docx, MS Word only). All graphical representations, such as figures, formulas, references, images, tables, and similar elements, ought to be embedded in the original file. Manuscripts should be prepared using A4 paper size, with margins of 2.5 cm on each side. The font should be set to 12 pt Times New Roman, and the text must be with double line spacing. The title must be formatted in 14-point Times New Roman font, bold, in all capital letters, and aligned to the center. Authors are encouraged to utilize Système International (SI) units for their measurements. To enhance clarity, non-metric equivalents may be provided in parentheses after the SI units. An asterisk should be used by the corresponding author to signify their role. Please take the time to carefully review the grammar of your manuscripts prior to submission. Strive to send manuscripts that do not contain any grammatical errors. A key guideline for crafting an impactful scientific article is to write under the assumption that the reader is familiar with the broader subject area but is unaware of the details of your research. Alongside content, accuracy, relevance, and scientific principles, attention should also be given to the writing style and formatting. For reference on how to prepare papers for submission, authors are encouraged to download a sample manuscript template by clicking here >>> PAPER FORMAT
NOTE: Authors should take note that every manuscript submitted will be subjected to a plagiarism assessment before it is eligible for the peer-review process.
Types of Articles
The journal invites the submission of Original Articles, Short Communications, Brief Reports, Review Articles, Systematic Reviews, Letter to the Editor, Editorials, Case Reports/Case Studies.
NOTE: We publish newsletters composed by researchers, scholars, and various esteemed professionals without any publication charge.
Original Articles: Original contributions refer to manuscripts that present significant and innovative research findings. Original articles encompass a variety of research types, including observational studies, randomized controlled trials, descriptive studies, intervention studies, evaluations of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome assessments, cost-effectiveness analyses, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case-control series, experimental studies, and surveys that achieve high response rates. The total word count for original articles should range from 3,000 to 12,000 words, not including the abstract, references, figures, and tables. The original article must be organized into the following sections: Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, Abbreviations, Funding Sources (If any), Data Availability, Declarations, References, Tables, and Images. Abstracts must be limited to a maximum of 500 words and should be organized under the following headings: Objectives, Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. And it is essential to ensure that the total number of references does not exceed 30.
Short Communications: Short communications refer to concise, peer-reviewed articles that do not appear as full-length publications. These facilitate the swift sharing of key insights from ongoing research, omitting the extensive details that a complete research paper would contain. Short communications are generally composed with a priority on clarity and brevity, and they may be utilized to present significant findings, techniques, or corrections. Short communications may consist of divisions of background information, materials, methodologies, results, and discussions. The main body of short communications should consist of a word count between 1,500 and 2,500 words, with a maximum of 15 references and no more than 3 tables or figures. It is suggested that the abstract should not surpass 250 words in length.
Brief Reports: Brief reports are often applied in research endeavors with a limited focus. This type of research serves as a brief format for documenting research that is both technically important and relevant to a particular community. Brief reports adhere to a similar format akin to original articles; however, the Results and Discussion sections must be consolidated in the main body of the document. Typically, there is a concentration on methodological and observational issues, which may encompass sections dedicated to the summary, background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. The main body of Brief Reports should consist of a word count between 1,800 and 3,000 words, allowing for a maximum of 20 references and no more than 3 tables or figures. It is advisable to limit the abstract to a maximum of 300 words.
Review Articles: Review articles provide detailed critical assessments of existing literature and data sources. Comprehensive analyses of specific topics are encapsulated in review articles, which may also be authored by invitation, reflecting the extensive knowledge and publication history of the writers concerning the subjects discussed. These articles provide valuable background information on a subject, facilitating a better understanding of the current research status. Review articles serve as valuable resources for pinpointing deficiencies in existing research, highlighting prospective avenues for future investigation, and acknowledging significant contributors in the field. The effective utilization of tables and figures is highly recommended. When applicable, essential messages and notable characteristics may be included. Review articles should have a main text length ranging from 4,000 to 8,000 words, accompanied by an abstract of 500 words. Authors are allowed to incorporate a maximum of 10 figures and tables in the main manuscript, along with a reference list comprising 50 to 80 sources. A review article may have a maximum of four authors, and ethical approval is not required for review articles.
Authors who are interested may also submit mini-reviews, which should consist of succinct evaluations of specific subjects. These mini-reviews must not exceed 4,000 words, include a maximum of 8 tables and figures, contain an abstract limited to 300 words, and include between 50 and 80 references.
Systematic Reviews: This format is applicable for conducting a review of a well-defined question, which applies systematic and reproducible methodologies to identify, select, and critically assess all relevant research, enabling the collection and analysis of data from the studies incorporated in the review. The manuscript submission must consist of 6,000 words and should not exceed a total of 8 tables and figures. The abstract must be limited to a maximum of 300 words; however, there is no restriction on the number of references included.
Letter to the Editor: A letter directed to the editor should consist of a succinct and assertive viewpoint. Such observations must not be regarded as initial observations that require additional research for substantiation. Anyone interested in conveying their opinions to the public has the opportunity to write letters to the editor. This may consist of observations on prior publications, a brief presentation of data or findings, the articulation of personal views, and the sharing of compelling cases. The length of the letter is to be limited to a maximum of 1500 to 2000 words (excluding references), and it should contain no more than 15 references, including the article that is the subject of discussion. A letter may be co-authored by a maximum of three individuals and is permitted to include no more than two figures or tables. This type of manuscript does not require an abstract.
Editorials: Editorial comments must consist of concise observations made by the reviewer or an appropriate authority regarding an article that has been published in the journal. The total word count of the manuscript must remain under 1500 words, not including references. An abstract is not required for this type of submission. The manuscript may contain up to 15 references and one figure or table.
Case Reports/Case Studies: This format is suitable for the submission of significant preliminary findings, modifications to techniques, or data that do not justify publication as a complete paper. These observations ought to be concise and assertive. The structure of the content should consist of these headings: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, and References. Case reports must not include sub-headings. They should be limited to a maximum of 2,000 words, with the abstract not exceeding 250 words. Additionally, the report may contain up to 3 tables and figures and a maximum of 15 references.
How to submit a manuscript:
The entire process of submitting a manuscript is carried out online through a user-friendly submission system on our website. We accept manuscript submissions only through
Authors are urged to meticulously go through the submission instructions before submitting their manuscript. Authors can monitor the status of their manuscripts online through our state-of-the-art, high-quality online paper status tracking system.
For any questions before submission, please contact the Editorial office via email at [email protected]
Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors must ensure that their submissions comply with all the specified items during the submission process. Submissions that fail to meet these guidelines may be returned to the authors.
>>> The manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under review by another journal. In the case that the manuscript has undergone consideration for publication in a different journal, we request that the author include feedback from prior reviewers to facilitate a prompt decision by the editorial team.
>>> URLs for the references have been supplied where applicable.
>>> Include DOIs and persistent links for all references that possess DOIs.
>>> Kindly ensure that tables and figures are positioned appropriately within the text. All illustrations, figures, and tables are integrated within the text at suitable locations, rather than appearing solely at the end.
>>> Reduce the number of abbreviations and make them clearly defined to clarify each abbreviation when it is first introduced in the text.
>>> Authors must declare if they have any existing or potential conflicts of interest with any individuals or organizations related to the work being submitted.
Manuscript Authorship and Authors' Duties
Authors must have made substantial contributions to the research and accept responsibility for the manuscript's content. Authors of original research reports are required to provide a precise description of the work conducted, along with an impartial analysis of its importance. It is essential that the foundational data is depicted accurately within the document. Sufficient detail and appropriate references should be present in a paper to facilitate the replication of the work by other researchers. Engaging in fraudulent or deliberately misleading statements is considered unethical behavior and is not permissible. Authors are required to have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript. Additionally, they should agree to submit the manuscript to this journal and accept accountability for the accuracy and integrity of the work. It is crucial to follow the applicable copyright laws and conventions. Any copyrighted content, including tables, figures, or substantial quotations, should only be reproduced with the requisite permissions and appropriate credit. Authors should typically avoid publishing manuscripts that convey essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. The act of submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously is viewed as unethical publishing conduct and is not acceptable. Authorship should be reserved for those who have significantly contributed to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study in question. All individuals who have made significant contributions should be acknowledged as co-authors. The journal mandates that any modifications to authorship, including the addition, removal, or reordering of authors, must receive approval from all authors and be formally documented in writing. It is a requirement that one author is identified as the corresponding author, who will be accountable for all communications with the journal throughout the submission, review, and publication processes. Upon identifying a substantial error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is the responsibility of the author to immediately inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor to retract or amend the paper.
Paper Selection and Publication Procedure
>>> After the manuscript submission is received, the Editor will send a confirmation email to the corresponding author within two business days. If by chance any author did not receive this confirmation for any unknown reason, In that case, please contact the Editorial office via email at [email protected]
>>> Following this, the submitted manuscript will undergo the peer review process. In our peer-review process, we implement a double-blind system, which guarantees that the identities of both reviewers and authors are not disclosed. A minimum of four experts will review the paper, which generally consists of two external reviewers and two editors affiliated with the journal who are generally responsible for assessing submissions. The review process may require a duration of one to two weeks.
>>> The corresponding author will be notified of the review results via email.
>>> After the article has been accepted for publication through the peer-review process, the editorial team will ask all authors to fill out and sign a copyright form (soft copy). This form should be sent to the editorial office without delay to facilitate the swift processing of publication production. Delays in submitting the copyright form will consequently delay the publication.
>>> After that, the authors will make the necessary revisions and pay the article processing charge. For the swift processing of online publication, it is essential that the author returns the galley proof of their manuscript within 2 to 3 working days.
>>> Upon the completion of all necessary formalities and payment, the paper will be published in the current issue of the journal.
>>> Article PDF is accessible on the journal's website and can be downloaded free of charge.
NOTE: Average Article processing time is 28 days
Submission of Revised Manuscript
The manuscript's revised edition needs to be submitted online, similar to that of the initial submission. Submitting the first page or cover letter file again when providing a revised version is required. The revised document should incorporate the referees' comments along with a detailed point-by-point clarification at the beginning. In addition, the authors are encouraged to highlight the modifications by using underlined or colored text within the article.
Reference Style
References are required to follow the Vancouver Style and must be numbered in a sequential manner within the manuscript, with a corresponding numerical listing. Moreover, it is essential that the bibliography at the end of the manuscript is formatted correctly before the manuscript is submitted for review to the journal.
Cover Letter
Following the submission of the manuscript, authors are required to submit a cover letter as a distinct file to the Editorial office through email at [email protected]. The cover letter must contain the title of the article, the full name of the corresponding author, and the specific type of article, such as an original article, case report, review article, or letter to the editor. The signatures of all contributors are needed on the cover letter. In the cover letter, it is essential for authors to include details regarding any prior publications, if applicable. The cover letter should explicitly state whether a conflict of interest exists or not. You can find an example of a cover letter by CLICKING HERE.....
Appeal Against Rejection:
Should you believe that your article has been unjustly rejected or that its content has been misinterpreted, you are welcome to submit a rebuttal letter along with any supplementary materials to our editorial office within a week. Please note that we allow only one appeal per article.
Ethics Approval of Research
The Journal of Energy, Agriculture, and Environmental Science (JEAES) requires that researchers submit a copy of the Ethics approval for any investigations that include human subjects. For original articles and case reports, it is necessary to present the ethical approval details in the Material and Methods section.
Acknowledgement and Funding Sources
When authors receive help with their research or the writing of their manuscripts, they must ensure that they accurately describe this support in the "Acknowledgment section," which should follow the main body of the text. Authors who obtain financial support or sponsorship for their research must provide comprehensive information regarding the funding associated with their study. The names of the sponsors and a detailed description of their roles in the funding process should be included in the sources section and cover letter as well.
Data Availability Statement:
This section should contain details about the sources of data that support the reported findings, including links to publicly archived datasets that were utilized or produced throughout the study. It may be appropriate to omit this statement if the study did not provide any data. This section is not mandatory.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The Journal of Energy, Agriculture, and Environmental Science (JEAES) operates as an open-access journal, ensuring that all of its content/research articles are accessible to readers free of charge. Moreover, the journal does not receive any funding or assistance in the form of grants. In order to address the operational costs of the journal, including Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers, publication management (proofreading, formatting, electronic archiving and layout design), online distribution and supporting marketing costs, abstracting and indexing services, website hosting, updating, and maintenance, and other administration expenses, this journal charges a nominal article processing fee. This fee is applicable regardless of the number of authors or pages and is payable only after an article has been accepted.
Publication Charges/Article: 99 USD / 8356 INR / 94 EURO / 79 POUND