License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | DOI: CrossRef | Peer-review Process: Double-blind
Frequency: 3 issues/year (Apr, Aug, Dec) | Call for Paper: Volume 1 | Issue 1
Duration of Review Process: 14 days | Average Article Processing Time: 28 days
Publication Format: Online | Language: English | Type: International Open-access
Publisher: Displaycia | Email: | Starting Year: 2025
Main Subject: Energy, Agriculture, and Environmental Science | Category: Multi-disciplinary Journal
Article types: Full papers, Reviews, Communications, Comments, Perspectives, Highlights
Open Access signifies the unrestricted and immediate online accessibility of research articles, along with the rights to utilize these articles comprehensively within the digital landscape. Open-access literature can be accessed without fees and is generally free from most copyright and licensing constraints. Open Access refers to the practice of making articles freely accessible on the public Internet, allowing users to read, download, distribute, and utilize these works for any legitimate purpose. The author and the journal must be appropriately credited for any non-commercial use and distribution across any medium. Open accessibility enhances the visibility of the work, subsequently leading to greater engagement and utilization of the published material. The swift spread of findings not only invigorates related studies but also motivates individuals to explore new domains that may emerge as a consequence. The availability of research resources across various disciplines fosters interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaboration. Open Access can be characterized as a tool designed to enhance public welfare, facilitating the progress of international scientific research while also upholding the standards of scientific excellence. Open Access is applied not only to journal articles but is also being utilized for theses and monographs. Limiting access to research findings and scientific discoveries via subscription and pay-per-view journals will hinder communication within the scientific community. Furthermore, limited access may hinder the education and sharing of scientific knowledge with the younger generations eager to embark on careers in the field of science. The short-term impact of open-access articles is significantly higher than that of subscription-only articles. In the long run, however, the impact of both types has been found to be similar, with some research indicating that open-access articles may have a marginally greater effect. Authors who select open-access journals over subscription-based publications may experience increased recognition from readers. Open access was developed with the intention of forming a dependable platform that provides unrestricted access to scientific literature, enabling the quick distribution of the most recent updates. Our Journal is an open-access journal which grants the users to access complete article content immediately after publication, with CC BY NC 4.0 (Creative Commons — AttributionNonCommercial 4.0 International — CC BY-NC 4.0) rights.
A fundamental function of Open Access is to ensure the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed academic journal articles and research data. The advancement of open access is vital for stimulating innovation and enhancing the dissemination of knowledge worldwide. The enhancement of productivity and the evolution of science can be attained exclusively through the diffusion of knowledge and the creation of permanent repositories, such as Open Access. The model of Open Access publishing supports the lasting retention of scientific data through digital formats, allowing scientists across the globe to share knowledge and collaborate without barriers, which promotes the advancement of science. Open Access journals not only provide free access to literature but also lower expenses associated with the production of paper copies, physical storage, and distribution through the use of digital copies. The implementation of Open Access yields substantial benefits for a variety of end users, such as students, researchers, clinicians, patients, policymakers, and journalists. Recognizing the potential of open access to enhance visibility within the scientific community and beyond, there has been a substantial advancement in the open access movement in recent years, driven by a variety of open-access publishers. For accepted articles, the Article Processing Charge (APC) associated with open-access publication is notably low. Open-access publishing facilitates global access to research findings for researchers, including those in developing nations, as well as for the general public who may have an interest in the subject matter. The author(s) and copyright holder(s) provide unrestricted access to all users for the articles published in the journal. Open access allows authors to keep the copyright of their work, improve its visibility and readership, and overcome any spatial limitations. All publications are promptly deposited upon their release, without any embargo, in a mutually agreed format that is easily accessible. The current preferred format is PDF, and this should be submitted to at least one widely recognized open-access repository on an international scale. We are committed to achieving sustainable open access by reconciling the demand for financial resources with our pledge to affordability and accessibility.