Dr Mahesh P. More was born on April 4, 1990. He received his Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Pharmaceutical Sciences from North Maharashtra University in December 2022. He has completed his Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) (2013) from the H. R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur (M.S.) and his Bachelor of Pharmacy from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education, Boradi (Shirpur, M.S.) in 2011. His PhD topic was Design and Development of 2D carbon backbone-based nanocarrier for Selective Tumor Targeting under the supervision of Dr Prashant K. Deshmukh. Previously he is working at the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai on an industry-driven project for the development of commercial nano-based products in collaboration with NanoXpert Technologies, Mumbai. He had worked with many chemical and polymer industries as consultant for commercialization of products. He has hands-on experience in designing and synthesizing nanoparticles and nanomaterials, polymers, and copolymers for drug delivery and sensing applications at the laboratory level. For commercial output, he makes efficient use of quality-by-design approaches for the synthesis of nanomaterials. He has a total of 9.5 years of experience including Research, Academia and Industry.